3 Keys to Happiness

Did anyone see this post from Apartment Therapy?

It made me laugh because I always tell my husband Scott those are things that mean the most to me and sometimes I have to really enforce this into my husband so he can understand me better.
I LOVE a clean house, I get grumpy when it isn't clean. I can't even enjoy an evening all alone when Scott is at school and Boston is asleep, unless I first pick up the living room.
I also love to be social. My husband laughs at me because I have these HUGE desires to be social, I crave interaction, BUT I am a very shy person. It is a huge struggle for me to go up and talk to someone. If they talk to me first, I am instantly engaged into the conversation... but so hard for me to make that first step.
As long as I can remember I was always trying to do furniture arrangements in my bedroom as a child. Now a days I still do it. Scott laughs at me because I can spend hours trying to rearrange everything and in the end it ends up right back where it started. I guess that is the problem with living in small spaces, there really is only one place for everything. But it still makes me happy to try! In fact I spend a few hours just on Sunday afternoon while Scott was at school, playing around with everything trying to see if I could find a better fit especially with a 11 month old climbing into everything. Scott called me and I told him what I was up too and he says, I like the way everything was... haha, still doesn't get that I need to at least try!
I thought I would post some pictures of my trying over the course of 4 years to change up my surroundings but like I said, couldn't do much in a small space (and a one income family since Scott was in school).
First week of moving into my new place (April 2006)
After a few months
Almost one year and now married (Feb 2007)
In the selling process (June 2010)
A lot happened between the last two pictures. I was working at Pottery Barn for a fun extra job and added some nice furniture into the mix (lamp, rug, coffee table, side table, accessories). I would show my current place, but it has gone in the wrong direction since we moved here. It went from super nice and accessorized to looking very bare. Well more like the bottom half of everything is bare... Boston is a bad kid ;)

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