Christmas Party

My work Christmas Party this year was at the Rimrock in Banff on January 10th. It was a beautiful weekend averaging about 0 degrees. Scott and I went up Friday and spent the extra night in Banff (so did most of the people I work with). Saturday Scott and I went for lunch at some yummy organic deli and then we went for a hike up Johnson’s Canyon. We had been on that hike once before but it was in the summer a few years ago when we where dating. The water fall is even more amazing in the winter than that summer. Here are some pictures we took.

That Saturday night was the Solex Thermal Science Christmas party. It was a lot of fun and at dinner they did a murder mystery. It was pretty funny, a little shocking for some at first when the lady died. But i am happy to report that i won the murder mystery. I figured it all out! But then again, I think Scott and I were the only ones not drinking, so our minds where a bit more sharp than the rest. After dinner it was just a social event, with snacks, music and a lot of drinking. These two pictures my friend John-Roger from work, took. He lives out in Germany. We have tons of people that work at our company from different parts of the world.

Christmas 2008

Christmas this year was spent with Scott's family. Christmas eve at his grandpa's house with tons of family, christmas day at his parents and Boxing day evening at his uncles. The day after boxing day for me was spent in bed for about 3 days sick with the flu. I think the first day i threw up about 10 times and the next few days i was just in bed... sleeping. But i got better and Scott and I went to my parent's house for New Years. We also spent time with my friends in Edmonton, playing games, wii and just catching up.

Christmas Day at the Fullmer's...

Scotts mom's tree!

I like this one because it shows the gift opening craziness!

Random Christmas Decor at my house...

My biggest surprise of Christmas was my new camera! I have been telling Scott that i wanted a new camera forever. And finally a few months before Christmas we started looking into one. I knew which one i wanted just because i liked the Canon commercials but Scott is different and did the hunt on the best camera out there for what i needed.

SO that is what i got for Christmas from Scott and his parents. Scott just didn't tell me about his Christmas bonus he got from work and used that money.
This is my new camera!

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