Super Why

Boston's favorite TV show is Super Why! Scott and I also love the show, we know all the theme songs (there are 3 theme songs throughout the show). This video isnt too exciting but we just love how intense he watches the show and adds in a few small dance moves! We also love the fact that the show is on from 7 - 7:30, perfect timing to distract Boston for a few minutes (his attention span isnt very long). We try and get out the door every morning at 7:30, just in time to sing Boston the final song along with "Wyatt" (one of the carractors on the show).


Sandra said...

Ella loved Super Why at his age! She still likes it, but it was a big hit when she was younger! We all know the songs by heart in our house too : )

Kim said...

my kids love super shy! And I love it cause they learn so many good things from it. Cute!

Danielle said...

My son LOVES superwhy! It's gonna be his theme for his 2nd birthday coming up pretty quick!

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