What happens when you put an iPod through the washer?

Take a nice ipod touch... somehow put it in the already sorted laundry basket (Scott did this)...
Not notice is when you put the load of darks into the washer this morning (I did this)...

And this is what happens...

iPod dent and of course not turning on (hard to see but dented in the middle on the bottom)!

Pieces broken off the washer and broken washer!

Holes in the clothes because they were ripping across the broken washer!

This was our great start to our Sunday morning before church... but at least we are headed off to Arizona tomorrow and don't have to deal with the broken washer for a week!


Anonymous said...

That is brutal! I guess it's just one of those things you have to deal with! Have fun in Arizona!!!

the fellers said...

WOW< Oh my gosh! IT would be bad enough with just the iPod ruined, not to mention to washer, and the clothes!! HOLY!

Allison said...

Ugh! Poor washer :( If you need somewhere to do your laundry when you get home you can come use ours! My parents surprised us, so now I can do laundry all day long if I so choose- which I do not, but wouldn't that be fun? This is kinda one of those things that you'd expect your kids to do though, at least you don't have to punish anyone for it :D

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